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I'm The Queen Bee

I ran cross-country in high school. Honestly, it was one of the best things I ever did. It gave me a sense of determination I hadn't had before and taught me the value of hard work. Running two or three times a day? Sure! Nine miles before school? OK!

In the summer, we often ran fun runs. I remember standing at one in Houston and Destiny's Child had just become A Thing. They were from Houston, a fact I found exciting because no one was ever from Houston, and I'd once read Beyonce's dad used to have them run and sing to practice performing.

That was the teenage thinking in me: We're both from Houston and we've both run before! We're practically twinsies!

We're currently waking up early, trying to will our bodies to want to go to sleep easier on the plane before our very own (not so) Royal Wedding. I typically wake at 5:30 in the school year, but in the summer I hover between 7:30-8:30 because, woah nelly, I like to Live A Little.

Every morning I glance at the community center fitness calendar and think to myself, there's no way in Hell I am going to spin class at six.

Just recently, after several years without taking a step of running, I have hit the treadmill. It's only for ten minutes (I injure easier than a geriatric these days), but I make them count.

Every time I step on the treadmill, I turn on YouTube and listen to whatever songs I need to get through those ten minutes. And I find myself lip syncing to the words of Taylor Swift or the La La Land Soundtrack, sometimes even snapping my fingers because I have a Constant Need to Keep the Beat.

The thought of Beyonce and Destiny's Child singing on the treadmill comes to mind Every Single Time. I have to fight the urge to just start singing the songs out loud. What better way to make your exercise count-- sing, burn calories AND embarrass your children in ten minutes!

If Beyonce can do it, so can I.

Now I just need to start working on my fake flower backdrop. As I said before, obviously we're twinsies. If she can take a photo in her underwear in front of a backdrop that looks like it came from Hobby Lobby...then so can I.


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